Anti-Slavery Day UK was created by Anthony Steen CBE, then MP for Totnes, through a Private Members’ Bill in December 2009. Since then, it remains a firm date in the calendar for human rights defenders, charities, civil society and government alike and is often marked with events about combatting modern slavery together.
Anti-Slavery Day serves as a reminder to people across the UK that despite the abolition of the slave trade in 1807, slavery is still rife in modern society. People are trafficked to, from and within the UK for sexual exploitation, forced labour, domestic servitude, criminal exploitation, bonded labour and even organ trafficking.
In honour of Anti-Slavery Day 2016, Shiva Foundation would like to acknowledge and showcase the work of various organisations across the UK who work to combat human trafficking.
Read on to find out what great work is being done in your region…
Unseen, Bristol
Unseen’s specialist care is the first step in the fight against slavery. Through supporting survivors, their provision gives them a safe place to recover from trauma and rebuild their lives. Unseen researches practices thoroughly to identify the key issues surrounding slavery and exploitation, and equip themselves and others with effective, targeted solutions. Unseen also recognises the importance of influencing the systems that keep slavery hidden. Tackling issues such as supply and demand are vital in the eradication of slavery.
The UK’s enhanced Modern Slavery Helpline and Resource Centre, run by award winning charity Unseen and supported by founding partners BT, will be launched on 18 October in honour of Anti-Slavery Day. The 24/7 helpline will be fully operational from 18 October, taking calls from potential victims, statutory agencies, the public and businesses.
To request help, report information or seek advice, call 08000 121 700 in complete confidence.
For more information about Unseen http://www.unseenuk.org/, @UnseenOrg
For more information about the Modern Slavery helpline http://www.modernslaveryhelpline.org/, @MSHelpline
Restore, Exeter
Restore supports female survivors of modern slavery to rebuild their lives through 12 months of housing and tailored support. Restore works with survivors in four main areas: befriending, peer-support, trauma-recovery and life-skills, to empower them to enjoy a life free from the effects of exploitation with hope and confidence.
To mark Anti-Slavery Day, Restore volunteers are raising money by joining the Great West Run on 16 October. Project Restore, the student group at the University of Exeter, are flyering at the university with facts about modern slavery and will be holding a modern slavery quiz on the 20 October.
For more information https://www.facebook.com/Restore.Org/
Purple Teardrop Campaign Charity, Poole
The Purple Teardrop Campaign Charity focusses on the exploitation of trafficked women and girls by raising awareness, raising funds, and providing ideas and resources to enable others to do the same. Currently, the organisation is raising awareness amongst mobile phone service providers of their obligation to proactively seek out and eradicate modern slavery from their business chains, lobbying to ban ‘sex for sale’ advertisements in all media, which force women and girls into prostitution, and supporting three safe-houses for rescued victims.
To prepare for Anti-Slavery Day, the Purple Teardrop Campaign is asking the UK Soroptimist International women’s network to help with transport of rescued victims, and to raise awareness with pharmacies of the signs of trafficking.
For more information purpleteardrop.org.uk, @TeardropPurple
Kalayaan was established in 1987 to provide advice, advocacy and support services in the UK for migrant domestic workers. Kalayaan was formed to campaign for the formal recognition of migrant domestic workers in the UK within the immigration rules, on the basis that without this, migrant domestic workers would never be able to challenge any mistreatment or to enforce their rights. Since then Kalayaan has continued to work with migrant domestic workers in the UK to support them to access their rights and to lobby for the maintenance and improvement of their access to justice.
For more information www.kalayaan.org.uk, @Kalayaan
In 2004, ECPAT UK produced groundbreaking research on the trafficking of children into the UK. An on-going programme of research, training and advocacy informs their campaigning efforts and ECPAT UK is now the leading expert voice on child trafficking in the UK, offering a comprehensive training programme focused on safeguarding young people from trafficking, modern slavery, and transnational abuse. ECPAT UK has been instrumental in raising awareness in government of the plight of children trafficked into the UK for both sexual exploitation and for exploitative labour.
For more information www.ecpat.org.uk, @ECPATUK
AFRUCA is embedded in and has developed out of African communities in the UK as a response to their realisation of the problems African children and parents face and the gaps that exist within the child protection system for African children in the country. The main focus of their work is Prevention and Early Intervention. AFRUCA’s response to the issue of child trafficking is premised on the fact that the trafficking of children is first and foremost a child safeguarding and child protection issue, rather than an immigration issue. For this reason, they believe that efforts to tackle the trafficking of children and provide support for individual victims must abide by and correlate with UK child protection laws, regulation, rules and practices.
For more information www.afruca.org / @afruca
CFAB (Children and Families Across Borders)
CFAB is a national charity that provides advice in resolving international child protection cases. CFAB supports children on the move between the UK and other countries and children who are separated from their family in another country. The complexities of migration and international separation can make many of these children particularly hard to support and particularly vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. CFAB ensures that children in these circumstances enjoy the same care, protection and right to a family life as would be wanted for any child.
For more information @CFABUK
Focus on Labour Exploitation (FLEX)
Focus on Labour Exploitation (FLEX) works to end human trafficking for labour exploitation. To achieve this, FLEX works to prevent labour abuses, protect the rights of trafficked persons and promote best practice responses to human trafficking for labour exploitation by undertaking research, advocacy and by building awareness in this field. Through strong engagement with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the Immigration Bill FLEX has established itself as a leader in policy and practice to prevent human trafficking in the UK.
For more information www.labourexploitation.org / @FocusOnLabour
The Hummingbird Foundation is working to create a Prevention of Trafficking Model in West Bengal, India. We believe that unless the underlying factors are addressed, there will be a never ending supply of vulnerable people, particularly girls, entering the trafficking cycle. We are currently also running a programme with 12 NGOs, which engages young men and boys to challenge gender discriminatory norms and fight for a more gender equitable society.
For more information thehummingbirdtrust.co.uk
The Freedom Fund is a private philanthropic initiative designed to bring much-needed strategic focus and financial resources to the fight against modern slavery. The organisation identifies and invests in the most effective interventions, in the countries and industries with the highest concentrations of slavery. The Freedom Fund shares what it learns with the global anti-slavery movement and work with others to scale successful solutions.
For more information freedomfund.org / @Freedom_Fund
Anti-Trafficking and Labour Exploitation Unit (ATLEU)
ATLEU is a specialist legal charity that represents the victims of trafficking and modern slavery. They work with victims to help them bring their traffickers to justice and hold the government to account to make sure that they meet their duty to protect all victims in the UK.
ATLEU is speaking at the Anti-Slavery Day Conference 2016 with Garden Court Chambers which aims to examine the UK’s response to modern slavery and identify the gaps in policy and practice.
For more information atleu.org.uk / @ATLEUnit
The Sophie Hayes Foundation ‘Day 46 Programme’ is designed to build confidence and employability for survivors of trafficking through workshops, coaching and placements. Crucially, it helps survivors build new lives after they exit their 45-day period in the safehouse.
The Sophie Hayes Foundation is celebrating Anti-Slavery Day through sharing stories of hope from their Day 46 graduates.
For more information sophiehayesfoundation.org / @SophieHayesFndn
Migrant Help UK, Dover
Migrant Help UK provides practical care and support directly to survivors of modern day slavery across the UK. Through restorative work, they help survivors of slavery rebuild their lives, recover their dignity and live life to the full. Migrant Help UK works with adult male and female survivors (and their dependents) of all forms of modern day slavery, labour exploitation, sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, forced criminality and other forms of human trafficking. They help survivors access the services they need in order to progress on the recovery journey by providing accommodation, medical care, mental health support, family reunification programmes and employment advice.
This Anti-Slavery Day Migrant Help UK is holding “Back to Life”, a week-long touring exhibition starting in Victoria, London. “Back to life” will feature real-life case studies of people who have been rescued from trafficking across Britain and aims to highlight the work the charity does in rescuing people.
For more information www.migranthelpuk.org
For more information about the Back to Life exhibition www.backtolife.org.uk
Beyond the Streets, Southampton
Beyond the Streets is a UK charity working to end sexual exploitation by Creating Routes Out through working directly with women. They offer a safe space to hear from survivors, rather than focus on the past they help women make a practical plan of bite size and achievable steps. Beyond the Streets offers a Freephone telephone call service to support callers, and also supports other projects Door to Hope charity and Gathered Voices, an online forum where survivors can share stories anonymously.
For more information beyondthestreets.org.uk / @Beyondstreets
West Midlands Anti Slavery Network, Birmingham
West Midlands Anti Slavery Network is a network of agencies tackling modern slavery in the West Midlands and beyond. The network, made up of international and national organisations, charities and local authorities, raises awareness, reduces the threat of harm of slavery, and rescues and supports victims of slavery in the geographical area.
For more information www.westmidlandsantislavery.org / @WestMidsASN
The Adavu Project supports adult survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking in the West Midlands. Adult survivors are often particularly vulnerable to poverty, homelessness or re-exploitation – Adavu offers a package of integrated and ongoing support to help survivors to take the next steps towards developing life skills, accessing benefits, training, education, and employment as well as access to trauma and therapeutic provision. Adavu is a partner of the West Midlands Anti Slavery Network.
http://www.adavu.org.uk / @AdavuProject
Baca, Loughborough
Baca supports young forced migrants who arrive as unaccompanied asylum seekers, including those that have been trafficked, to rebuild their lives, integrate into a community and use their experience positively. Baca has carried out extensive research and has built significant knowledge and experience in working with young people who have been trafficked or are at risk of trafficking. They provide safe and appropriate accommodation alongside specialist support by trained professionals.
For more information www.bacaproject.org.uk / @bacacharity
The Medaille Trust, Manchester
The Medaille Trust is a charity founded by religious groups in 2006 to work against the evils of human trafficking in response to the plight of thousands of people who are being trafficked into the UK each year.The Trust has provided support and safe house provision for the victims of human trafficking since then and continues to deliver outstanding care ten years on. The primary mission of The Medaille Trust is the empowerment of women, men and children, who have been freed from the human-trafficking and the modern day slavery industry in the UK, enabling them to regain their dignity and self-worth.
For more information www.medaille-trust.org.uk / @MedailleTrust
Hope for Justice, Manchester
Hope for Justice works to end human trafficking and slavery within our generation. The international organisation does this by training frontline professionals to be able to identify victims and/or work appropriately with them; they rescue victims and build bridges of trust; they secure criminal and civil justice for victims and advocate for access to housing and health service; and they work with victims to overcome trauma and rebuild their lives.
For more information hopeforjustice.org, @Hopeforjustice
City Hearts, Sheffield
City Hearts has set up several projects across the UK and internationally to house, support and restore survivors of Human Trafficking. They work in partnership with other community groups and provide the highest level of restorative care, accommodation and support to men, women, and families who have been rescued from devastating and dangerous situations. As part of the National Referral System, they work with the Salvation Army, the police, social services, the UK Human Trafficking Centre (UKHTC) and other national organisations to help provide a safe refuge for survivors. Their holistic program provides individual care for each survivor, helping them begin the journey of overcoming their trauma and equipping them with the practical tools to live an independent life.
For more information www.city-hearts.co.uk / @CH_AntiTraf
Palm Cove Society, Leeds
The Specialist Modern Slavery Scheme at Palm Cove Society is part of the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) and provides urgent accommodation for victims of human trafficking and other vulnerable adults. The NRM is a national framework for identifying victims of human trafficking or modern slavery and ensuring they receive the appropriate support.
For more information www.palmcovesociety.co.uk / @PalmCoveSociety
BAWSO Diogel Project, Cardiff
The Diogel Project was set up in South Wales by Bawso in 2009 to provide support for victims of trafficking. In 2010 Welsh Government funded the expansion of the project to North Wales in response to increased demand for the service. The project now provides 13 units of secure accommodation and 20 outreach units across Wales. Bawso also has the capacity to provide outreach support to both male and female victims. Last year they supported 23 service users and 12 children under their Diogel Trafficking Project.
For more information www.bawso.org.uk / @BAWSO
New Pathways: L.I.B.E.R.A.T.E, Merthyr Tydfil
The L.I.B.E.R.A.T.E. project run by New Pathways aims to initiate breakthroughs in the way human trafficking is perceived in the UK. It aims to expose the hidden nature of human trafficking and campaign for improvements in national policy. It strives to inspire hope and make lasting improvements to the lives of survivors through advocacy and support It is a National Referral Mechanism first responder and has supported over 60 women and men between March 2014 and April 2015.
For more information www.newpathways.org.uk/liberate
Invisible Traffick, Newtownards
Invisible Traffick, formerly known as Freedom Project Ireland, is committed to addressing the issue of human trafficking in both the North and South of Ireland. They raise awareness about the existence of human trafficking and educate local communities about the signs and what action to take if they have any suspicions. Invisible Traffick also provides assistance to men and women who have been trafficked and builds up memberships with members of the community and other organisations who share their vision.
For more information www.invisibletraffick.org / @InvisTraffick
Law Centre (NI), Belfast
The Law Centre runs an Anti-Trafficking Young People Project which provides a single point of contact for young victims of trafficking in Northern Ireland aged between 11 and 25. In addition to providing specialist legal advice and access to referral services to support their welfare needs, the Legal and Policy Adviser of the project provides specialist training to advisers and other agencies.
For more information www.lawcentreni.org / @LawCentreNI
Scottish Churches Anti-Human Trafficking Group, ACTS Scotland
The Scottish Churches Anti-Human Trafficking Group (SCAHTG) raises awareness of Human Trafficking and how society can defeat it. The group engages in letter writing campaigns, produces resource packs for church groups on human trafficking and hosted a conference last year, “Crossing Continents to Combat Trafficking”, which brought together anti-trafficking activists from all over the world.
For more information www.acts-scotland.org/activities/anti-human-trafficking
Community Safety Glasgow Trafficking Awareness Raising Alliance (TARA), Glasgow
The TARA project was established in 2005 as a service to help identify and support women who may have been trafficked for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation. TARA is a first responder for the National Referral Mechanism, provides comprehensive assessment of needs including risk, and offers a range of support services. TARA can also provide support to frontline staff by sharing information, advice and good practice. TARA is involved with awareness raising, developing and delivering training and assisting with capacity building.
For more information www.communitysafetyglasgow.org / @CommSafetyGlasg
To find an Anti-Slavery Day event near you visit www.antislaveryday.com/2016-events.
Shiva Foundation does not endorse or certify organisations in this list.